Katie Metz

Metz, City Portrait 19, acrylic on panel, 2014

Katie Metz is an artist who lives and works in Seattle, Washington. Below is an interview with Lost in Composition discussing her life and works. Following the video are samples of her art, items discussed in our conversation, and links to her site. I thank Katie for her time and use of her images; it means a lot to me.  

Before sitting for our interview, Katie and I realized we suffer from a similar phenomenon. When asked a question or name, our brains can go blank. So I empathized with Katie when she reached out to me after the interview with callouts for people and institutions. Here are her callouts:

Patricia Rovzar Gallery for representing her and the closed Friesen Gallery/Abmeyer Wood, who initially took her in and launched her career as a commercial fine artist. The Artist Trust in Seattle for the informative workshops and guidance they provide to artists and their careers. Artist Trust helped her by providing a grant in 2015 and relief money during the Covid lockdown. Katie also called out her collectors and buyers stating “Their admiration and excitement over my work is such a wonderful and fulfilling thing. I am so grateful for the support they have given me to keep going.”

And lastly, Katie called out her mom. Katie’s own words about her mother: “She allowed and guided me to discover my passions in life as a young kid, which has carried into my adulthood. She was also the one who took me to Washington DC to see all the famous art museums there, including The National Gallery, The Hirshhorn, and The Guggenheim! In one of those museums, I noticed a very simple piece, and I did not see or understand the point of it at the time or why it was so great to be hanging in such a prestigious museum. I looked at her and said, ” I could do that!” She replied, “It’s not about the fact that you could do it; it’s about doing it.” That really taught me something.”

Katie Metz
Urban Form 5, 2021
Acrylic on panel
25″ x 33″
Katie Metz
Urban Interlude 3, 2022
Acrylic on panel
34” x 32”
Katie Metz
Portrait 19, 2014
Acrylic on panel
33″ x 21″

Here is the studio tour Katie was so gracious to give:

During my chat with Katie we mentioned Sue the Turtle. Sue was the result of one of Katie’s fist classes as a child, which was ceramics. In that class, Katie created Sue the Turtle:

Katie Metz
Sue the Turtle
A childhood creation.

We also discussed the piece we have by her and how it was bookended by two pieces by Joseph Steininger. The placement of her piece is one of our favorites in our home. Here it is prior to the addition of two small pieces bookending it:

Katie Metz
Freeway 14, 2018 (in situ)
Acrylic on panel
16″ x x40″ /40.6 x 101.6 cm

Here is the finished piece which was unfinished in the backdrop of our interview:

Katie Metz
Urban Interludes 7, 2022
Acrylic on panel
48″ x18″

Katie also mentioned several artists during our conversation. One she mentioned was Andrew Wyeth. Below is one of my all-time favorite works of art; The Drifter by Andrew Wyeth:

Andrew Wyeth
The Drifter, 1964
Drybrush Watercolor
22 1/2 × 28 1/2 in
57.2 × 72.4 cm

One of the other artists Katie mentioned having an impact on here was Robert Bateman. She provided this image of Spirits of Forest by Robert Bateman:

Robert Bateman
Spirits of Forest

Links to items discussed in the interview above:

Andrew Wyeth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wyeth

Robert Bateman: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bateman_(painter)

Georgia O’Keeffe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_O%27Keeffe

René Magritte: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_Magritte

Pablo Picasso: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Picasso

Joseph Steininger: http://www.josephsteininger.com

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